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Arrangemanget, How to... NF Photo 121226
NF Photo 121225
The image I choose to work with. I copied the left side of the image approx from the line I added just to show you where. Then I pasted it and made it a mirror image. And then placed it at the approptiate place. I had to do some black painting on the background to hide miscolored areas.
NF Photo 121225
All work done in Arc Soft Photo studio
lol, I actually think it looks like a red spider. :)
Kolla mina bilder på Picasa för att få idéer. Och glöm inte etikettlistan. Sedan finns en del på min fotoblogg.
Check my photos on Picasaweb to get an idéa, or find what you want. Beside the label list of course and my photoblogg.
Labels: NatureFootstep, nfphoto, foto, photography, natur, naturfoto, nature, fotoutmaning, photo challenge, photo meme, Bildverkstan, photo manipulation, photo shop, art, konst, sweden, sverige, Monica Johansson, NF Macro, monochrome, SOOC, editing, photo, manipulation, editing, edit, instrucktion, PSE7, ,work flow, arbetsgång abstract, abstrakt, jul, dekoration, christmas, NF Abstract
Arrangemanget, How to... NF Photo 121226
NF Photo 121225
The image I choose to work with. I copied the left side of the image approx from the line I added just to show you where. Then I pasted it and made it a mirror image. And then placed it at the approptiate place. I had to do some black painting on the background to hide miscolored areas.
NF Photo 121225
All work done in Arc Soft Photo studio
lol, I actually think it looks like a red spider. :)
Kolla mina bilder på Picasa för att få idéer. Och glöm inte etikettlistan. Sedan finns en del på min fotoblogg.
Check my photos on Picasaweb to get an idéa, or find what you want. Beside the label list of course and my photoblogg.