There will be changes in my blogs soon. As GOOGLE will close our image host PICASA and move images into GOOGLE Photos I will take the opportunity for changes too. I have to many blogs and the no of visitors goes down week by week. So I want to reduce the number of blogs.
To start with I will set Bildverkstan / Image workshop as "Archived". It means I will no longer post here. And NF DAM is hereby closed.
BUT, instead I will open a new one on my main blog. I will start that one from fresh and call it
"The Creative Playroom"
The intention is ART but in a broad meaning. I want to see that you have done some creative work. Don´t just share nature images without working on them. There are other memes for that.
You can post digital art, images of your paintings, beautiful monocromes, create strange worlds and post them. Have fun with it!
Everything creative works. BUT NOT ordinary photos and advertising.
You can link to your meme IF you have a proper image for mine, if not your link will be removed.
You find the new meme on
the usual time tomorrow. Wednesday!
The exhibition!
Now, a proper way for the final post on this blog would be to share the experience of my exhibition. It is now closed and the art back on my own walls.
So, was it worth the effort? Yes it was. I worked with it for 7 month in total. I had a lot to prepare and it did take quite a lot of both time and money, as well as to print all images and to frame a few of them.
But to watch people walk through the exhibition taking a look at many of my images was rewarding. Sometimes they walked through rather quickly while others took their time watching all of it. I also talked to many of them. I´d say that when I was present I had more visitors then I had expected. 17 business card was taken and some comments was written.
In short, it was a very nice experience. And i learned a lot during the ride.
If you dare, try it for yourself!
Thanks to everyone who has been part of my memes so far. I hope you will follow me to my main blog and participate in The Creative Playroom
Check my photos on Picasaweb to get an idéas, or find what you want. Beside the label list of course and my photoblogg.
Labels: NatureFootstep, nfphoto, foto, photography, natur, naturfoto, nature, fotoutmaning, photo challenge, photo meme, Bildverkstan, photo manipulation, photo shop, art, konst, sweden, sverige, Monica Johansson, SOOC, editing, photo, manipulation, editing, edit, instrucktion, CS5, , work flow, arbetsgång, linkup, NF DAM, virtual, digital, Image workshop,