Friday, December 26, 2014

Soap bubbles - Såpbubblor

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 © NF Photo 141225
 Arc Soft Photo studio  

Såpbubblor- Soap bubbles

Mina första:

Recept - Recipe:
(Corn Syrup) RECIPE for standard bubbles:
You can use any unit of measure as long as the ratio is still the same (6:2:1)
6 cups water (For my friend Greg Silsby - I use an specially formulated H2O formula that you may purchase for $20/gallon. But if you don’t want to pay $20/gallon just get it from your faucet and don’t tell everyone tap water is my secret formulated H2O.)
2 cups dish soap (I choose to use Dawn)
1 cup corn syrup (I use Karo light corn syrup)
Tip – for stronger bubbles, or even to make larger bubbles you can triple the amount of corn syrup, or adjust and experiment.

I will add more info about the frost bubbles when the temps drop below freezing! I will say I started with the same formula but made some minor adjustments.

New info as of November 26th, 2014:
For the Frost Bubbles I would start with the mixture as mentioned above. Just remember, that the bubbles pop easier when it’s freezing cold outside! If you want them to be stronger, add more light corn syrup. I would start with this approach first to make sure you get your photo. Then if you feel lucky try thinning down a bit with more water so the bubble is more transparent!

When is the best time to photograph frost bubbles?
I would look for temps below 10 deg F (-12,2°C) , although I heard you can do this at 15 deg F (-9,4°C) if you wait long enough. When the temps are 5 deg F or lower the frost can appear quickly, which means less time in the cold and more photos to be taken! Also it is important to note that it works best when there is very little WIND. It’s hard to take photos when your bubbles are blowing all over the place or popping.
Also, I generally shoot in the am as the sun is rising so the temps are usually still cold, but often too warm mid-day.

Now a CRITICAL piece of information:
My bubbles popped a lot when landing, even in the snow. However after several tries in the same spot, but popped bubbles form a platform for the next bubbles to stick. I usually have about 5 or more pop before I get one to stick. Also I would get close to the surface where I want the bubble as this made it easier.

If my memory serves me correctly, this recipe was shared by Joyce Hill and Greg Silsby. Thank you two for sharing as I can’t wait to give it a try!
From watching the videos, this formula looks to be stronger than the Corn Syrup formula, but I can’t say for sure until I give it a try myself. I will likely use both recipes. You can scale down proportionately if you like, but here is the recipe:
1 bottle Dawn Dish Soap
1 Tablespoon J-Lube powder
3 gallons of water
First in a container pour the Dawn Dish soap. Next, thoroughly mix in the tablespoon of J-Lube powder. Once mixed in, add the 3 gallons of water and mix again!

Frozen colored bubble by Joshua T Rowe

Q:  So Joshua ... when did you add the food coloring? I tried some, and it seemed that the food coloring "fell" out of the bubbles as soon as I blew them. Got lots of colored spots on the snow, but clear bubbles.
A: Joshua T Rowe I froze the bubbles at night and then went out in the morning and put the food coloring on them. I let the food coloring in the freezer to get chilled.

Image belongs to:  Joshua T Rowe

Kolla mina bilder på Picasa för att få idéer. Och glöm inte etikettlistan. Sedan finns en del på min fotoblogg. Check my photos on Picasaweb to get an idéa, or find what you want. Beside the label list of course and my photoblogg.
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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

NF Digital Art Meme, DAM 128 Christmas card

NF Digital Art Meme, DAM 128

NF Digital Art Meme, a meme for digital artwork. photo art and creative work.
NF Abstract is now included in NF Digital Art Meme.

The meme will allow any kind of digital art. You can post anything from photo art, straight from the camera, to complicated texture work. You can take a shot of your pottery and make it digital. As long as you are the artist. I hope to see some of the black and white artists I often see on Weekend in Black and White. You create good arts in your camera.

A piece of art is best enjoyed when it stands alone.
It is not necessary to give all details of your work unless you want it. An artist must have some secrets and, well, how we did it is most of the times impossible to describe anyway.  And we work with different software. I will mostly give details in a separate post.
click to enlarge
Old Christmas card for Ingrid
© NF Photo 141216

Today I have obviously not created today´s image myself. It is a memory of my grandmother Ingrid. I have most of her cards in my possession. This Christmas card is from 1905 and was sent to her when she was a little more then one year old.
The words says: "Merry Christmas! Wishes little Ingrid from Lisa and Greta! "
I will use this card as Christmas card for my family.

The Optional theme for next years first DAM will be: festive! Suitable, don´t you think?
You probably have a lot of images to work with then.

Please NOTE!
Next week is Christmas Eve and we celebrate our Christmas. Others gather the next day the 25th. Not many will have the time to join in memes so DAM takes a break until January 7th. BUT for those who have itching fingers I leave today´s link open until Jan 4th. You can linkup whenever you wish till then. :)

May you all have a wonderful Christmas
 and a Happy New Year!

Bildverkstan on NatureFootstep Photo
If your blog ONLY allow GOOGLE+ responses I can´t comment on your entry.
Please visit my entry and as many other participants you can. I´d like this to be a living meme not just another linky list. So far it is a small meme, surely you have the time to comment on others. Thank you for participating. As you know I´m a busy woman but I always return a comment. :)

   Comment form for visitors outside GOOGLE

You shall ad the link to your post in the linkylist. Not the URL to your blog or GOOGLE+, It´s a courtesy to you visitors, they find your post immediately. You shall have a backlink, and please, don´t advertise your own meme without having an image to share that corresponds to my meme.

Regler finns i sidlisten. - For rules see the sidebar.

To join NF DAM enter your permalink in the linkylist. Link back to this post, visit others and have fun.

1. NatureFootstep Photo  8. Laurie Kazmierczak  15. marsha  
2. Mormor  9. Prairie Jill  16. Shiju Sugunan  
3. Wordless  10. Mormor  17. Gemma Wiseman (2)  
4. Yogi  11. Lori  18. Judy  
5. CJ@ProArtz  12. Andrea @ From The Sol  19. Prairie Jill  
6. 【ツ】Knipsa  13. Gemma Wiseman  20. Gemma Wiseman (3)  
7. Abstract Photos  14. Abrianna  

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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

NF Digital Art Meme, DAM 127 Alder cones

NF Digital Art Meme, DAM 127

NF Digital Art Meme, a meme for digital artwork. photo art and creative work.
NF Abstract is now included in NF Digital Art Meme.

The meme will allow any kind of digital art. You can post anything from photo art, straight from the camera, to complicated texture work. You can take a shot of your pottery and make it digital. As long as you are the artist. I hope to see some of the black and white artists I often see on Weekend in Black and White. You create good arts in your camera.

A piece of art is best enjoyed when it stands alone.
It is not nessessary to give all details of your work unless you want it. An artist must have some secrets and, well, how we did it is most of the times impossible to describe anyway.  And we work with different software. I will mostly give details in a separate post.
Please visit my entry and as many other participants you can. I´d like this to be a living meme not just another linky list. So far it is a small meme, surely you have the time to comment on others. Thank you for participating. As you know I´m a busy woman but I always return a comment. :)

click to enlarge
Alder cones
© NF Photo110226,    © NF PhotoArt 141209 

This weeks optional theme was the color BROWN. This image I was meaning to post for three years now but other ones always came in between. The tree is now cut down, so no more opportunities. It is not all that  brown and I only made some minor adjustments to it. But, it is that kind of image I want to touch. It probably would be great as a painting, If I could paint.

The Optional theme for next weeks DAM is: "A Christmas card" if you celebrate Christmas. If not, make your own.

If  you want to share your Digital/Photo Art  on Facebook I have created a GROUP for that purpose. You can join if you like. Why not check it out! Would love to see you there.

Bildverkstan on NatureFootstep Photo

If your blog ONLY allow GOOGLE+ responses I can´t comment on your entry.

You shall ad the link to your post in the linkylist. Not the URL to your blog or GOOGLE+, It´s a courtesy to you visitors, they find your post immediately. You shall have a backlink, and please, don´t advertise your own meme without having an image to share that corresponds to my meme.

Regler finns i sidlisten. - For rules see the sidebar.

To join NF DAM enter your permalink in the linkylist. Link back to this post, visit others and have fun.

1. NatureFootstep Photo  5. CJ@ProArtz  9. marsha  
2. 【ツ】Knipsa  6. Abstract Photos  10. Andrea @ From The Sol  
3. Lori  7. EG CameraGirl, Canada  11. Prairie Jill  
4. Wordless  8. Laurie Kazmierczak  12. Mormor  

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Friday, December 5, 2014

Rows of balconies and layer styles

Större bild? Klicka på den! - Click to enlarge!
  Rows of balconies
© NF PhotoArt

Original  © NF Photo 20130814, Honolulu

 © NF PhotoArt  141204, 141204  Layer style in PS CS5

The main thing here was to use some layer styles. I had to take a shot of the windows to remember what I used. :)  It was: Drop shadow, Inner shadow and Bevel and emboss contour.

On NatureFootstep
Kolla mina bilder på Picasa för att få idéer. Och glöm inte etikettlistan. Sedan finns en del på min fotoblogg. Check my photos on Picasaweb to get an idéa, or find what you want. Beside the label list of course and my photoblogg.
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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

NF Digital Art Meme, DAM 126 Optional theme - Woman

NF Digital Art Meme, DAM 126

NF Digital Art Meme, a meme for digital artwork. photo art and creative work.
NF Abstract is now included in NF Digital Art Meme.

The meme will allow any kind of digital art. You can post anything from photo art, straight from the camera, to complicated texture work. You can take a shot of your pottery and make it digital. As long as you are the artist. I hope to see some of the black and white artists I often see on Weekend in Black and White. You create good arts in your camera.

A piece of art is best enjoyed when it stands alone.
It is not necessary to give all details of your work unless you want it. An artist must have some secrets and, well, how we did it is most of the times impossible to describe anyway.  And we work with different software. I will mostly give details in a separate post.
Please visit my entry and as many other participants you can. I´d like this to be a living meme not just another linky list. So far it is a small meme, surely you have the time to comment on others. Thank you for participating. As you know I´m a busy woman but I always return a comment. :)
click to enlarge
Whale watchers
© NF PhotoArt 141203

In order to create this one I first transformed the image to black and white. Then I used the filter "note  paper" then added grain and finally speckle.

Linking up with Black and White Wednesday    Weekend in Black and White     Black and White Project 22

The original image
© NF Photo 140530, in Iceland

The Optional theme for next weeks DAM is a color:  brown

If  you want to share your Digital/Photo Art  on Facebook I have created a GROUP for that purpose. You can join if you like. Why not check it out! Would love to see you there.

Bildverkstan on NatureFootstep Photo
If your blog ONLY allow GOOGLE+ responses I can´t comment on your entry.

You shall ad the link to your post in the linkylist. Not the URL to your blog or GOOGLE+, It´s a courtesy to you visitors, they find your post immediately. You shall have a backlink, and please, don´t advertise your own meme without having an image to share that corresponds to my meme.

Regler finns i sidlisten. - For rules see the sidebar.

To join NF DAM enter your permalink in the linkylist. Link back to this post, visit others and have fun.

1. NatureFootstep Photo  5. Laurie Kazmierczak  9. marsha  
2. Lori@LorikArt  6. CJ@ProArtz  10. Prairie Jill  
3. Wordless  7. Abstract Photos  11. Andrea @ From The Sol  
4. Yogi  8. Ulla Laiho  

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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

NF Digital Art Meme, DAM 125 Your own texture optional edition

NF Digital Art Meme, DAM 125

NF Digital Art Meme, a meme for digital artwork. photo art and creative work.
NF Abstract is now included in NF Digital Art Meme.

The meme will allow any kind of digital art. You can post anything from photo art, straight from the camera, to complicated texture work. You can take a shot of your pottery and make it digital. As long as you are the artist. Or, you can do the optional theme for the week.

 Optional theme: your own texture on a simple one.
click to enlarge
This is the simple image I am using for both textures below. I was posting it HERE

These are my textures I use on the simple one. Top texture is BOKEH of autumn leaves and the one below is snow and mud from shoveling off snow.

© NF PhotoArt 141125
As you can see I used the bokeh texture and left a part of it outside to create a frame. That way the difference between the triangle and the texture is clearly visible. Then, of course, I lost track, but I think the blending mode was "Vivid Light". I ended up creating a larger canvas in order to put my logo below the image.

To see the snow and mud version you have to go to NF Photo, it turned out better then I expected.

The Optional theme for next weeks DAM is: Include a woman in your art

Linking up to AEDM 26
Please visit my entry and as many other participants you can. I´d like this to be a living meme not just another linky list. So far it is a small meme, surely you have the time to comment on others. Thank you for participating. As you know I´m a busy woman but I always return a comment. :)
Bildverkstan on NatureFootstep Photo

If your blog ONLY allow GOOGLE+ responses I can´t comment on your entry.

You shall ad the link to your post in the linkylist. Not the URL to your blog or GOOGLE+, It´s a courtesy to you visitors, they find your post immediately. You shall have a backlink, and please, don´t advertise your own meme without having an image to share that corresponds to my meme.
Regler finns i sidlisten. - For rules see the sidebar.

To join NF DAM enter your permalink in the linkylist. Link back to this post, visit others and have fun.

1. NatureFootstep Photo  5. Andrea @ From The Sol  9. Lori@LorikArt  
2. Wordless  6. Judy  10. Yogi  
3. Laurie Kazmierczak  7. Ida P. Krause  11. CJ@ProArtz  
4. marsha  8. Prairie Jill  

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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

NF Digital Art Meme, DAM 124 Make it Simlpe edition

NF Digital Art Meme, DAM 124

NF Digital Art Meme, a meme for digital artwork. photo art and creative work.
NF Abstract is now included in NF Digital Art Meme.

The meme will allow any kind of digital art. You can post anything from photo art, straight from the camera, to complicated texture work. You can take a shot of your pottery and make it digital. As long as you are the artist. I hope to see some of the black and white artists I often see on Weekend in Black and White. You create good arts in your camera.

A piece of art is best enjoyed when it stands alone.
It is not nessessary to give all details of your work unless you want it. An artist must have some secrets and, well, how we did it is most of the times impossible to describe anyway.  And we work with different software. I will mostly give details in a separate post.

Please visit my entry and as many other participants you can. I´d like this to be a living meme not just another linky list. So far it is a small meme, surely you have the time to comment on others. Thank you for participating. As you know I´m a busy woman but I always return a comment. :)
click to enlarge
I was taking a bath when I realised this reflection looks like a sailingboat.

 I took a couple of shots, just a simple one. The wallpaper is already a texture.

© NF Photo 111002, Falsterbo
Then I choose a part of a harbour sunset, as texture, to become the sea on which the boat is sailing.

© NF PhotoArt 140804

Linking to:   Paint Party Friday     AEDM day 19 at CED¨   sARTurday
I did choose an old post to linkup today. Hope you don´t mind. 

OK, maybe that was not that simple in the end. What I would like to know, do you have editing software with or without the possibility of layers? Without layers you are more limited. But can still do a lot.

The Optional theme for next weeks DAM is:
Create your own Texture and use it on the simple image.

Below you find two of my own favourite textures. The top one is bokeh of autumn leaves and the one below is snow and mud from shovling off snow. And from above you can see wallpaper might do great as texture as well.

But, you may still do whatever art you wish. The above is optional.
Bildverkstan on NatureFootstep Photo
If your blog ONLY allow GOOGLE+ responses I can´t comment on your entry.

You shall ad the link to your post in the linkylist. Not the URL to your blog or GOOGLE+, It´s a courtesy to you visitors, they find your post immediately. You shall have a backlink, and please, don´t advertise your own meme without having an image to share that corresponds to my meme.

Regler finns i sidlisten. - For rules see the sidebar.

To join NF DAM enter your permalink in the linkylist. Link back to this post, visit others and have fun.

1. NatureFootstep Photo  6. marsha  11. Ida P. Krause  
2. Wordless  7. Ulla Laiho  12. Jutta K. Deutschland  
3. Yogi  8. CJ@ProArtz  13. Sophie A.  
4. Laurie Kazmierczak  9. Andrea @ From The Sol  14. Lori  
5. Prairie Jill  10. RobertN  15. Carola Bartz  

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