Wednesday, November 18, 2015

NF DAM 174 Car silhouette

NF Digital Art Meme, DAM 174

Today I am also linking up with AEDM 18  A great place to share your art.

NF Digital Art Meme, a meme for digital artwork. photo art, abstracts and other creative work.  From camera, Art software's, paint or sketch. When you have an image of your art, it is digital.
For more details see the link to About NF DAM below the header.

click to enlarge
Car silhouette, sooc
© NF Photo 151117

Car silhouette
© NF PhotoArt 151117

I did not make any major changes to this image of my car. I boosted the colors obviously. Then applied the filter "Angled strokes" to give a different feeling to the sky. Ended with texture Canvas.

I have some very mixed feelings about the situation in Europe nowadays. I think I am mentally preparing for the war that seem to be unavoidable. It is likely that I will be safe where I live but still, the news and the refugees arriving affects me. I already noticed that there are areas my mind will not go. And that changes what i usually create. In a way it will be interesting to see where it leads me. But I will refuse to create the kind of madness of war that many artists do and that seem to be very popular among art knowing people. Disaster and suffering....that is ART.  Or the opposite, angels and spirits and fantasy. But that is not that popular. And that is not me. I think!
Well, I guess some artists will have a great time being inspired by the war, during the years to come. That will prevent me from visiting exhibitions.

Sorry, I just had to let it out"

Well, hope you like my car.  Now let me see what you come up with. Myself I'm on my way to the optician to check my eyesight

Bildverkstan on NatureFootstep Photo

Please visit my entry and as many other participants you can. I´d like this to be a living meme not just another linky list. So far it is a small meme, surely you have the time to comment on others. Thank you for participating. As you know I´m a busy woman but I always return a comment. :)
If your blog ONLY allow GOOGLE+ responses I can´t comment on your entry.

You shall ad the link to your post in the linkylist. Not the URL to your blog or GOOGLE+, It´s a courtesy to you visitors, they find your post immediately. You shall have a backlink, and please, don´t advertise your own meme without having an image to share that corresponds to my meme.  I will remove your link without notice. 

Regler finns i sidlisten. - For rules see the sidebar.

To join NF DAM enter your permalink in the linkylist. Link back to this post, visit others and have fun.

1. NatureFootstep Photo  4. Ulla Laiho  7. Claudia @ ImagesByCW  
2. Nicol  5. Andrea @ From The Sol  
3. PIPPA  6. Gemma Wiseman  

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  1. There will come a time after the SYRIA-crisis. And Europe is still safe. We lived with cruel attentates everywhere in the world. Even the Paris-events will not change Europe. We stand together and manage the daily challenge with our intellect and diplomatie, not with weapons.
    Thanks for your forum, my dear friend, even peaceful words in blogging may change something daily!
    Herzlich P.

  2. There will come a time after the SYRIA-crisis. And Europe is still safe. We lived with cruel attentates everywhere in the world. Even the Paris-events will not change Europe. We stand together and manage the daily challenge with our intellect and diplomatie, not with weapons.
    Thanks for your forum, my dear friend, even peaceful words in blogging may change something daily!
    Herzlich P.

  3. Digital art allows you to see things as you want. Your car silhouette is now reflected on a more poetically sky.

  4. I keep thinking how different many visual artists' blogs would look had the Paris attacks not happened. The visual artist community has come together to show their love and support for this beautiful city I have never been to. I also think the music community must be reeling, too, because music fans seem to be harder hit than the sports community due to the bomber who (thankfully) couldn't get his act together in time to do much damage. I can understand how you might not want to visit that sad place, and respect that. After all, everyone has to be true to their own art.

    Speaking of art, I really liked the canvas effect you added to that car silhouette. It is AWESOME.

  5. You should keep your art just the way it is and allow it to grow in the directions you feel inside of you ... you give us a respite from the dark difficult world outside that has allowed religion and politics to steal our freedoms and kill our children. I have always been an optimist and I still try to think positive, but I see people acting and thinking in ways that have no logic to them ... voting in elections for people who work against their own best interest and supporting candidates who are ridiculous. I still hope that good people will stand up and be counted and change the direction of things. I think if Isis can be defeated and order replaced in the middle east, many immigrants will want to return home ... that is what I hope for. Everyone is suffering on some level in this time and art should be a place to escape to ... to find the good again and lead the way back. I agree with you that making art out of war is distasteful. Your art is one of the things I look forward to each week ... don't get discouraged. Stay with it ... you are playing an important role in the big picture.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  6. Oh yeah, the car picture is really cool ... good catch of the light in the windows with the silhouette, an eery yet beautiful piece of artwork :)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  7. Your car image has a meesage - stop the usual journey, give the darkness a rest and enjoy the light. The colours in your edited image are beautiful.

  8. Dear Monica, it is such a terrible situation. of us in some ways are,all too close to this violence and we definitely wonder where will be next. It is frightening. I try to stay in a happy place on my blog and in life, otherwise I'd sink into depression and that doesn't help anyone.

  9. thanks everyone for listening :)

  10. I like your car on canvas. The situation in Europe is pretty scary, to say the least. Obviously I have many connections to Germany and I feel for my friends and family there. As artists we have to 'sometimes let it out', it is what we do. And it may reflect in our art.


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